Tuesday, 30 December 2014

OUGD502 - Royal Studio

I've been keeping my eyes on the royal studio for a while now. The art direction and design studio is based in Porto in Portugal, a city that I'd definitely like to visit. Royal's use of colour, shape and texture is like no other studio I have seen. They have been labelled maximalist and after spending time looking at the visual feast that is their website you'd understand why. Everything about their work excites and intrigues me, it could so easily go wrong but it doesn't, it goes so right. The entire attitude and ethos of the studio itself appeals to me, their tag line is 'Grown in Graffiti, Wine and Destruction.'
Everything about the studio is original and exciting. Even the way their copy reads reflects this. When asked why they were named The Royal Studio Joao Castro, Creative Director said this... 

“Chase the Royals on this one. It is hot! As hot as freedom and ego! Blazing fire like the rails on a moving train! The name carries the guts and the instinct. It was nurtured in the frightening vandal runs as a one-man-show graffiti-artist and raised the little tagged crown to a studio’s symbol as the freedom to overcome the show and become more than a designer: a governmental organisation.”


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