We are beginning to evaluate our branding for Goat Collective. We already have some of the design constraints laid out and the logo designed but we want to look at how we can push this brand further and where we can apply it. As we are already working as Goat Collective we have the advantage of knowing which branded elements are necessary and valuable to our practice. One thing that is high up on the to do list is a redesign of the website. Above is a screenshot from Royal Studios website which has recently been designed. The image focused layout and the simple functionality is something I would like to replicate within the Goat website design.
Good , yes, we are royal. The Royal Studio is a design vortex. It has deep and strategical approach to the design wonders. The Royal is anxious and it stares with cruel addictiveness. It is serious and wise. Methodic. Scientific. Moves fast and creates value. The Royal has fun, knows not how to be funny and plays OCD like a monkey on metabolic steroids with a passion for reason. Loyal to culture. Royal to business.
Tone of voice is something that isn't consistent across all of our branding material. This is important to make sure that we convey our personality through copy. Above is the Royal Studio's manifesto, I love the succint punchy structure. The use of emotive language and similes makes it a much more interesting read than Goat Collective's manifesto. This is something we will be tackling within the personal branding section of the OUGD602 module.
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